대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주바알바 청주룸알바 청주고소득알바
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주바알바 청주룸알바 청주고소득알바
It was quite difficult to be happy after hearing that.
With over four hundred Japanese pirates killed in th
is battle, the damage was certainly small, but the d
eath of so-called elite soldiers was still very painful
Bangsil Lee may have had the same thought, but hi
s expression was not good, but he was satisfied wit
h the commanding ability he showed this time, so h
e did not spare praise.“It was a truly mysterious stra
tegy to raise Prince Eungyang onto the roof and sh
oot him with an arrow. “Please go quickly and treat
the injured soldiers and congratulate them on thei
victory.”As soon as my instructions were given, Lee
Bang-sil moved straight towards his soldiers.And s
on after, residents came out one by one from Teun
gneunggol, southeast of Jeongpo.They looked quite
frightened, perhaps because they were startled by
the sound of the gun fired by Choi Mu-seon.Howe
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주바알바 청주룸알바 청주고소득알바
ver, soon after seeing the corpses of countless dea
d Japanese pirates, they were happy and started d
ancing and even singing.Some of their songs praised
the king, and the pride and embarrassment I felt at
that time were beyond description.‘Would I want to
do this after being treated like that on a regular b
asis?’It is always the people who suffer.The current
consideration is more about protecting them.I was
very interested in sucking out old blood.Even thou
h it was a time of poverty with little to eat, they br
ought food to the soldiers, saying they wanted to
treat them as treats.However, it was not possible to
gain respect from the people, and it was not possi
ble for them to feed all of the more than 1,500
I immediately called Shin So-bong and gave him i
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주바알바 청주룸알바 청주고소득알바
nstructions.“Send someone immediately to bring fo
od to be distributed to the people here. “As a resu
lt, the village residents’ food storage throughout the
winter was empty.”“I will order that.”“Let’s go back n
ow.”If we continue to stay here, everyone will be u
comfortable.At a company dinner, my boss said i
was polite to just pay for the drinks and leave, so
I thought I should do the same.In any case, the so
ldiers will have to stay here for a while to bury the
hundreds of Japanese pirate corpses.It was imposs
ible to throw so many bodies into the sea, and it
was clear that if they were left alone, an infectious
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 청주바알바 청주룸알바 청주고소득알바
t and bury them quickly.Since the Black Death was a
lready prevalent on the continent, we had no choic
e but to pay attention.But digging land in the midd
le of winter is not easy.It would be easier to cremat
e them, but it seemed like there wouldn’t be any w
ood left to burn so many corpses.Lee Bang-sil had
already started digging by ordering Eungyanggun, w
ho was close to an auxiliary role in this battle.
As I got on the horse, Choi Young and several guar
ds began to hurriedly follow me with blood-soaked
bodies.Choi Young’s contribution to this fight was si
gnificant.Normally, he would have been tasked with
protecting me by my side, but he left that to another
Holchi and gave consideration to Choi Young so that
he could participate in the battle.