대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실
대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

“Record your research accurately every time and s

hare it with everyone, but make sure you never lo

se the records due to an accident. And anyone wh

o reveals this to the outside world will be punish

ed for treason.”Although he spoke uncharacteristi

cally sternly.That was definitely not just somethin

g to say.If something like that happened, I planned

to execute him even if it meant bloodshed. Since th

is was a time when the Yuan Dynasty was still under

the influence, we had to be extremely careful with th

is matter. Choi Mu-seon also noticed this and answe

red while bowing down.“I will keep this in mind.”*After

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

instructions were given to Choi Mu-seon.A house was

built deep in Gyesan Valley.Gyesan Gol, northwest of G

aegyeong, was a fairly remote place, and the entire val

ley was blocked off to anyone except Choi Mu-seon an

d his five companions.The entrance was strictly guarde

d by 30 Eungyang soldiers selected by Lee Bang-sil, an

d the area around it was designated as Geumsan (禁山

) for Geumyang (禁養).Building a house wasn’t that dif

ficult.Since there was an existing but empty house, we

were able to complete it with a little reinforcement wor

k.In total, six people, including Choi Mu-seon, will eat a

nd sleep there and continue to research gunpowder.

Their passion was certainly great, and they did their b

st to find the optimal combination ratio.To do that, th

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

ere was a lot to prepare.I had to start by pulling out t

he salt plants with the soil. First, we collected the clay

soil from the surrounding area and started boiling it, a

nd thanks to that, Gyesangol was always smoky.But it d

idn’t seem like results would come out right away.

“Honestly, it’s hard to have expectations.”I wonder if th

ere is support on a national scale.It seemed like it wou

ld take at least several years.Still, with the little knowle

dge I provided, I believed that mass production of gun

powder would be possible in Korea much faster than in

the original history.But that wasn’t the end.You can’t fir

e a gun if you only have gunpowder.At the very least, t

he barrel, wick, and bullets must be researched and dev

eloped. With a sigh, I folded up the letter Choi Mu-seo

n had sent and put it down.Then Shin So-bong presen

ted another letter.“This is the reincarnation of Kwak Chu

ng-soo, the leader in domestic consumption.”

Let’s take what Shin So-bong holds out and unfold it.

대전룸알바 O1O.2062.3474 k톡ryboy3500 흥덕구유흥알바 흥덕구바알바 가경동보도사무실

It was filled with information related to the recent dom

estic investigation and the fishing merchant Dong-o. A

lthough there are no specific numbers, the situation w

as not that good.The amount of money invested in C

hoi Mu-seon is not small.Of course, there was quite a

blow in the domestic investigation as well.The good ne

ws is that Dong-ao left for Zhejiang Province carrying

Naesusa supplies.Considering the back and forth sched

ule, I expected it would take at least three or four mon

ths.After holding it and thinking about various things for

a while, Princess Budashiri came out holding a simple refreshment.